This guidebook has directions to the seven covered bridges in Westmorland County and to the two covered bridges in Kent County.
Chapter 1 directions to the seven covered bridges in Westmorland County. Departure starts in Moncton and is divided into two ‘Day Trips’.
Day Trip 1 tours four bridges – the Joshua Gallant, Poirier, Budd and, Magnetic Hill Covered Bridge.
Day Trip 2 visits the remaining three covered bridges. It starts with the Hasty Covered Bridge then travels to the Boudreau and Wheaton Covered Bridges.
Chapter 2 brings you to the two covered bridges of Kent County.
Both the Thomas Graham and the Camerons Mill Covered Bridges can be visited in a single day.
Alternately, direct travel to a single covered bridge is given from a central departure point.
Guide includes information on each bridge, full colour photos and maps as well as a list of interesting things to see along the way.
Published by Ray Boucher
Copyright 2017 by Author
ISBN: 978-0-9917771-2-9